Be filled with courage and start with the hardest for you to forget

Be filled with courage and start with the hardest for you to forget

The one thing I do, however, is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead. Philippians 3:13
From time to time, we have to get rid of things that are not useful or no longer good.  Otherwise, our house would be a warehouse where no one could live. We are the ones surprised at the end of such task because we did not know the number of useless things that were taking up space, a precious one for other things that are really necessary at our home.
But in spite of this, man likes to keep things, and continues to do so thinking that he cannot get rid of those things because he might need them in the future. The worst part is that such moment never comes and, if it does, we forget that we kept something, so we buy it again.
Likewise, we have a trunk full of memories kept in our heart, which prevents the Word from staying sowed and the Holy Spirit from doing what He must inside of us. Those memories exert an opposite force greater than us. Without realizing it, we are tied down, living from a past which we do not want to let go. We deceive ourselves and do not want to acknowledge that this affects us. It is time to acknowledge how much it harms us, so we must be courageous and make a decision to take them out of our lives definitely.
Be filled with courage and start with the hardest for you to forget, so you make proper room for the new that you will receive from his Spirit.

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