If we prepare ourselves this way, we will have the faith necessary to keep fighting until winning the fight

I have done my best in the race, I have run the full distance, and I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7

A race car driver knows that he has to be prepared, if he is going to participate in the race. His car must be in optimal working conditions to compete with others and get the first place.

No driver will participate if he harbors no hope of winning or being among the first places. The desire to win makes him be prepared, train and do everything in his power to reach the goal, entering physical and mental discipline without being distracted or lose focus of his purpose.

Our Christian life is just the same. In order to reach the winning post in Christ, we must fight a battle, daily. It is not easy; so we have to prepare ourselves every day so that nobody steals our blessing, exercising in his Word, praying incessantly and fasting at all times.

If we prepare ourselves this way, we will have the necessary faith to keep fighting until winning the fight, without giving truce or being put out of combat. Training is hard. Our flesh will oppose and wage war against us, but we need to have the firm conviction that, if we do not do it, we will not make it to the end. As hard as it is, we must win because of the victory He already gave us at the cross.