We have to make up a hedge

We have to make up a hedge

And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me. Ezekiel 22:30
We have to make up a hedge to prevent evil from coming near us and our household. When we pray, this fence is formed, and it raises a spiritual wall of protection where the arrows from the enemy cannot penetrate. This fence does not allow for any disease, misery or accident to touch us. We can be sure that we are safe because we have established limits, which our enemy will not be able to break.
We have to do so, since no one is exempt from his machinations; his desire is to destroy us so that God’s plan is not fulfilled; he wants to put an end to all that He has given us. That is why we see so many broken families: children on drugs and/or alcohol, divorce… It is so because they did not pray for their household not to be touched.
There is no alternative. We must pray not to be vulnerable to any attack and all that wants to destroy us to go without effect, as in the case of Daniel when he was cast into the den of lions. They could do nothing to him because the spiritual protection he had was so great that they could not touch him.

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