His plans are not for evil but for good

His plans are not for evil but for good

I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for. Jeremiah 29:11
If we all thought like God, there would be no problems, but unfortunately we have our own thoughts, which make us think that we possess the knowledge about everything. Thus, they prompt us to act accordingly.
The pessimist refuses to believe that God has something better because he lives only on painful sad memories experienced by him, which does not allow the Word of life to transform him and bring about a change of mind. When our thoughts are pessimistic, we see everything under that hue and act the same way. It may be a pretty day, with a radiant sun, yet you see it grey because you do not get to see further than what your thoughts are.
This train of thought does not let us see a single promise, for everything that happens is bad, in our minds. But we cannot live the gospel thinking like that, since we would be rejecting the sacrifice of Christ. Let us understand that his plans are not for evil but for good, to bring about the future we hope for.