Learn not to promise to pay someone else's debt

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Do not be one of those who shakes hands in a pledge, One of those who is surety for debts. Proverbs 22:26 The Word of God teaches us how we can please or displease God.  In this book, we find his thoughts. If we act on them and apply them to our lives, because of them, everything will go well with us because his wish is for us to know Him, so reverent fear is born inside us to fulfill his Word and do well every day. Many times we do things to please others, though we know it is not right; for we are more interested in the other person to feel pleased, even if we have to brush aside the will of God to do so. If we let the Holy Spirit lead us, we will stop being so carnal and will be more spiritual. We will come to realize what we should do or not. Things that are good to many are not so to God; and those that are bad for us are not so to God. It is normal for us to be surety or guarantor for debts assumed by others. To the world, this is being generous with the one in need, yet to God it is you bound in the paws of the devourer and taken into prisons of slavery. We need to have wisdom, which teaches us how to live well and not go wrong, like learning not to promise to pay someone else’s debt.

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Hours of Service

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