There are situations that do not depend on us but only on Him

As long as the world exists, there will be a time for planting and a time for harvest. There will always be cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night. Genesis 8:22


The Word of God says that, as long as the world exists, there will be a time for planting and a time for harvest. There will be cold and heat. That is, what we are going through is temporary because those are seasons that will change. Therefore, we cannot fall into despair but wait with patience for the promise from our heavenly Father.


Sometimes our soul falls into despair, which prevents the fulfillment of the time established for God to work. We become so impatient that we forget everything, only because we want to do things in our time, not in the time of God. When God gave the order to Noah for building the ark, 100 years passed for him to see the purpose fulfilled. Could Noah make it rain earlier? No, because that did not depend on him but on God.


So, there are situations that do not depend on us but only on Him. Wanting to make time fly is good for nothing. On the contrary, it turns us against his will. This is really dangerous, when we begin to compete against God.


If time goes by and there are no signs or indications of any changes, ask Him: What are you teaching me that I don’t get to understand? For, when this happens, we will understand that such a time is necessary for us to mature and be prepared for what He will give us next.