It is not time to sleep or rest; it is time to keep watch

Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. 1 Thessalonians 5:6

The enemy is lurking, and we cannot be careless even if we are praying. Our prayers have to be stronger, to reinforce the fence established around us. This fence is not reinforced with praying once a week or when we have time to do it. This has to be continuous, knowing that our adversary will want to knock it down to destroy everything that we have achieved at the feet of Christ.
For this purpose, he relies on deception that blinds us, so we do not see the plan he has activated to achieve his purpose. Therefore, we have to be firm and know that any distraction will make us fail.
The Word is quite explicit. It tells us not to sleep like others. It is not time to sleep or rest; it is time to keep watch, with the finger on the trigger, and begin to intercede until we overcome him the way Christ did, who did not close his eyes because He knew that He had to watch out for his enemy.