When the enemy besieges us

For by wise guidance you will wage war, And in abundance of counselors there is victory. Proverbs 24:6


Our greatest concern is what to do when the enemy besieges us and declares war against us, for we find ourselves defenseless, insecure and weak for facing him. 

We cannot spend all the time under fear. We must learn to trust God, with no fear of the evil that may come over us, for even “when a thousand fall and ten thousand at my right hand, it will not touch me”, his Word declares. 

Many times we go through periods of a lot of pressure and attacks, during which it will be very difficult to remain standing and willing to put up a fight, if we have not learned to grow strong through prayer. This is the key that makes us feel safe and confident at all times, for our Father prepares us and trains us to face the enemy by way of it. 

When we pray, we turn into warriors, and know that our heart will not fear the attack of the opposing army. We also trust that we will come out of war in victory, for He has given us the weapons of faith, perseverance and courage in order to win.