And Moses stretched out his rod toward heaven; and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and fire darted to the ground. And the Lord rained hail on the land of Egypt. So there was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, so very heavy that there was none like it in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation. Exodus 9:23-24
The enemy deceives us so easily that we forget about the power of God, without realizing it. Such power is unquestionable, for He is so great and so mighty that his Word says that the heavens thunder when He makes himself be felt.
Said enemy has powers, but he does not have the Power, so we cannot let him confuse us. The power of the enemy is limited, and he has any at all only because we give it to him when we are full of unbelief, criticism, rancor or injustice, when something we want is not fulfilled or is slow.
When dreams drift away, we get depressed and give room to a series of thoughts that make us forget the Power of God. At those moments, it is necessary for us to remember the Word, where it shows how He manifested to them. The people of God were in slavery and their dreams of being free had disappeared, but God answered with all his power, making hail fall all over Egypt. Pharaoh, when he saw this, asked Moses to talk to God so the thunder and the hailstorm would stop, for he was willing to let them leave Egypt.
Let us not think that what is ours will be impossible, for God will make Pharaoh bow and acknowledge the power of the One who called us, so all yokes of misery, sickness, death and prison that were above us will disappear forever